BIG Antenna Discussion

The place to go for information about third party antennas, hotspot location mapping, and general RF theory.

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LoRa antenna jig by bashtelorofscience

Instructions at

Please bear in mind that this was initially designed for 868MHz (EU) antennas, but there is a 915MHz (US)model under Thing Files over on the Thingiverse link below.

I have built a number of antennas using these jigs, and they honestly perform better than some of the Taoglas antennas I have… Look for another link below from the always great Andreas Spiess on how to tune custom-built antennas using cheap technology. -tteague

3D Model files available at:

An RF Ground Plane Calculator:

Antenna wall-mount bracket for the RAKWireless / Antenna PIS-1105

RAKWireless Fiber Glass LoRa Antenna

And, from the man, the myth, the legend, Andreas Spiess…

If you are not subscribed to his YouTube channel, you are internetting wrong…

In this video, he walks you through using a ridiculously cheap (but so very useful) vector analyzer, the N1201SA. I’m sure you have heard these talked about in our #antennas channel. If you are doing anything with LoRaWAN/antennas, save yourself a headache and just order one. -tteague

#191 Optimizing Antennas using a cheap N1201SA VNA (Vector Impedance Analyzer), LoRa, Review

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