Help on my master thesis :)

Hello Helium Community! :slight_smile:

I am Nicole, a master’s student at the Technical University of Munich, and I am currently researching the Helium Network for my master’s thesis, specifically the incentives and scalability.

For all the people that have at least one hotspot, I would kindly ask you to take this 5-8min survey. Your opinion and experience participating in the Helium Blockchain are very important for understanding the future and current adoption of the network.

Feel free to share this survey with people that are helping build the network :slight_smile:

The data collected from the survey will not be shared with third parties and is entirely anonymous. Its use is for research purposes only.

Thank you in advance for your active participation!


Hi @nicolefriasb shared with the team.

Hope we help with the Thesis. Curious how your thesis will change with Helium moving to Solana.

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